Error upgrading xrender on Panther

Joshua Root jmr at
Mon Dec 15 20:52:08 PST 2008

Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2008, at 14:30, Joshua Root wrote:
>> Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>    Attached is a debug sample of the loop.  I tried "sudo port -d
>>> upgrade installed >ports.log" and the output only went to the Terminal
>>> window.  So, I copied a sample to a TextEdit file.  If you need more, I
>>> can rerun because it is repeatable.
>> Do you get the same result if you upgrade outdated rather than
>> installed, though?
> As mentioned earlier, resync and this should be fixed...

I was interested in the reported infinite loop rather than the specific
port failure. But it looks like it was just `port upgrade installed`
behaving as expected. (Kind of annoying when there's a failure, but
still expected.)

- Josh

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