Error upgrading xrender on Panther

Frank J. R. Hanstick trog24 at
Mon Dec 15 22:38:12 PST 2008

	It is quite possible that the only way into the infinite loop is via  
a port failure under certain circumstances.  Problems usually arise  
when anomalies occur and not when things run as expected because not  
all anomalies can be planned for.  If not, sorry  to disappoint you.

On Dec 15, 2008, at 8:52 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

> Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2008, at 14:30, Joshua Root wrote:
>>> Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>    Attached is a debug sample of the loop.  I tried "sudo port -d
>>>> upgrade installed >ports.log" and the output only went to the  
>>>> Terminal
>>>> window.  So, I copied a sample to a TextEdit file.  If you need  
>>>> more, I
>>>> can rerun because it is repeatable.
>>> Do you get the same result if you upgrade outdated rather than
>>> installed, though?
>> As mentioned earlier, resync and this should be fixed...
> I was interested in the reported infinite loop rather than the  
> specific
> port failure. But it looks like it was just `port upgrade installed`
> behaving as expected. (Kind of annoying when there's a failure, but
> still expected.)
> - Josh

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