port command not working

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Tue Dec 16 14:12:51 PST 2008

Waheed Samy wrote:
> I apologize for vagueness.
> I don't know what caused the path (opt/local/bin) to disappear.  I
> created a .profile in my home directory with the necessary path info,
> and now things are alright.
> What I mean was that when I gave the "port" command I got a no such file
> response.

That was a known bug in the MacPorts 1.6.0 installer. It should be fixed
in the 1.7.0 pkg though.

You may still find that the existence of other shell config files like
.bash_profile will stop the shell from reading the .profile created by
the installer, but since creating a .profile fixed the problem for you,
that doesn't seem to have been the issue.

- Josh

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