sieve for dovecot

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Dec 19 20:51:52 PST 2008

On Dec 19, 2008, at 15:01, Raj Shekhar wrote:

> I installed dovecot from macports.  The imap server is running fine.
> However, I wanted to have mail filtering on the imap server.  Dovecot
> says that it works with sieve for filtering.  The problem is that
> sieve is not available in the ports.  I tried compiling sieve for
> dovecot, but the INSTALL file for the sieve says that I need the
> pre-built dovecot sources available.  If sources are not available, it
> requires the dovecot-config to present.
> My questions are -
> - Is there a sieve available in the ports somewhere that I am missing?

"port search sieve" says a port called libsieve is available.

> - Has anyone compiled sieve for dovecot?  If yes, please let me know
> the magic ./configure line :-)

There is an open ticket for this request, with an attached patch:

The ticket is old, but you can test whether the patch still works. If  
so (or if not), let us know. If not, and if you can update the patch  
so it works again, please attach it to the ticket so that we can  
finally commit it.

> - Is there an alternative to sieve for filtering imap?

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