Upgrading ncurses & ncursesw fails

Matthias Dietrich matt at rainboxx.de
Sun Dec 21 13:10:42 PST 2008


> I used the f flag because there were errors without but I cannot  
> reproduce them now (the errors without the f flag).

now I know why I used the f flag: I wanted to reinstall *every* port  
which is installed because there were problems with them (gues the  
migration was a fault).  Now I get an error using perl with it's  

   Errno architecture (darwin-2level-9.6.0) does not match executable
   architecture (darwin-2level-9.2.0) at
   /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/darwin-2level/Errno.pm line 11.

I try upgrading it and it seems to work (with the f flag).

How can I delete the macport system and any installed modules and the  
"installed db" so I can reinstall it?  This really sucks...


rainboxx Matthias Dietrich
Freier Software Engineer

rainboxx                  |  Tel.: +49 (0) 151 / 50 60 78 64
Tölzer Str. 19            |  Mail: matt at rainboxx.de
70372 Stuttgart           |  WWW : http://www.rainboxx.de

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