smaller version of Gnucash

Lenore Horner LenoreHorner at
Tue Dec 23 06:02:12 PST 2008

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the very good description.

> $ port deps gnucash +without_hbci
This would not have occurred to me to try.  Thanks.

> libtool and libofx are already needed by gnucash itself, but  
> gwenhywfar, qt3, ktoblzcheck, libglade2 and gmp are new  
> dependencies. Then we could ask what the dependencies of each of  
> those are. You get the idea.
Hmmm.  The first thing that
sudo port install gnucash +without_hcbi +without_ofx +without_quotes
did was to install gmp.  It must be coming in somewhere else.

>> I'm also curious, though at this point it would I think be a waste  
>> of time, whether I could
>> sudo port deactivate all
>> sudo port install gnucash +without_quotes +without_hbci +without_ofx
>> sudo port uninstall inactive
>> and have the lighter version in place without recompiling  
>> everything and also see how much extra work I've had to wait for my  
>> computer to do.
> Good idea! With MacPorts 1.7.0 I think this should work correctly.
I think there's a flaw in what I wrote above.  I should have put
sudo port deactivate installed
because "all" I think ended up with trying to deactivate ports that  
don't exist.


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