Installing gcc version 4.3.2 on Mac OS X

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Dec 23 12:46:09 PST 2008

On Dec 23, 2008, at 08:25, Roger Wehage wrote:

> Is there an easy way to correct symbolic links to the executables  
> in gcc version 4.3.2 on Mac OS X?
> I successfully installed MacPorts 1.7.0 (Darwin Ports?)

Hi Roger. Welcome to MacPorts! The project used to be called  
DarwinPorts a long time ago but is now called MacPorts to emphasize  
that it's designed to be used with Mac OS X (and not so much the open- 
source Darwin OS).

> on my MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with version 10.5.6 OS.  
> Then I miraculously installed gcc43 version 4.3.2 with no errors. I  
> did this directly form MacPorts, not having a clue what I was  
> doing. I tried to follow the instructions on http:// 
>, but I got lost in the chaff.
> First, I didn't know what I was supposed to do with all that  
> information above the solid line in,  
> so I ignored it after reading through it. Then I went down to "Once  
> Darwin Ports has been installed, in a terminal window and while  
> online, type the following and hit return:"
> My computer didn't have a /opt/local/bin/portslocation/dports/gcc43  
> subdirectory, but I found my way to /opt/local/bin/ and did a "sudo  
> port install gcc43" from there. All of the commands executed  
> without error, and all of the gcc43 files were created in the /opt/ 
> local/bin/ subdirectory.
> I suspect my problem is related to not having started from an /opt/ 
> local/bin/portslocation/dports/gcc43 subdirectory. Typing man  
> gcc43, etc, gives no information, because gcc43 apparently doesn't  
> exist. However, if I type man gcc-mp-4.3, etc., I do get the man  
> pages for the corresponding executables, etc.

Please do not refer to that web site for any information about  
MacPorts. It is not affiliated with the MacPorts project and has  
inaccurate information. All information about MacPorts is at http:// . Specifically reading the Guide is probably  
helpful; see . For more information about  
the rogue web site, you can read 
DarwinPorts .

> So, is there a command somewhere that will create the correct  
> symbolic links to the appropriate executables, or do I have to do  
> this myself? For example, in /usr/bin I find symbolic links such as  
> "gcc -> gcc-4.0" and "g++ -> g++-4.0." I assume that I can delete  
> these symbolic links and create new ones pointing to the  
> corresponding gcc-mp-4.3 and g++-mp-4.3 executables. But I don't  
> know what all symbolic links need to be changed.
> And... I don't want to break something.

Yes, you should not change the gcc symlinks in /usr/bin (or anything  
else in /usr/bin). MacPorts is designed to run separately from and  
not conflict with anything installed by Apple. You can type "port  
contents gcc43" to see what was installed and where. So, e.g., you  
can use the MacPorts gcc 4.3 by executing /opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-4.3.  
If you would like to be able to run it by just typing "gcc", you can  
install the port gcc_select ("sudo port install gcc_select"), then  
use the installed gcc_select to create those symlinks in /opt/local/ 
bin (type "gcc_select" to see its help message).

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