Fwd: Perl 5.8.8 already present on Leopard; can I make a "dummy" Portfile?

Neil kngspook at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 23:41:50 PST 2008

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 10:45 PM, nicerobot <com.nabble at nicerobot.org>wrote:

> To deny this request essentially forces users that have a significant
> investment in the OS's perl to either spend the time getting macports into
> the same state and switching to macports' perl

True, but...
1. ...it's a one-off.
2. ...I find it preferable to customize MacPort's Perl anyways (not that I
really have, but if I was going to...) because it's easier to wipe out the
MacPorts installation than it is to wipe out the OS' installation, and by
leaving the OS' installation pristine, I'm (more or less) guaranteed it will
be in the expected state for third-party apps.
3. ...how hard is it to duplicate your OS Perl customizations on the
MacPort's installation?  Exactly how much customizing are we dealing with?

> or having to decide which
> perl to use for certain situations and not be able to just rely on the
> $PATH.

Why can't you use the $PATH?
/opt/local/bin at the end -> system perl
/opt/local/bin at the start -> macports perl

> Maybe i'm wrong but i
> thought macports was about providing solution, not creating hurdles.

Not helping.
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