myodbc 5.1.1?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Feb 2 15:35:10 PST 2008

On Jan 30, 2008, at 16:43, Justin Fagnani wrote:

> Is there any chance that a portfile for the MySQL odbc 5.1.1  
> drivers are coming soon?

I don't see any ticket filed on that, so I'd guess not. You could  
file a ticket requesting such an update. Be sure to Cc the maintainer  
of the port. You could also send an email to the port and ask them  
what's up.

> I tried getting it to compile and work with the macports mysql5,  
> but found it quicker to just pay for some commercial drivers for  
> the moment. The only problem with the MySQL provided binaries is  
> that they're looking for the sock file in the wrong place. If I  
> knew anything about authoring a portfile I'd try...

You can learn about writing portfiles by reading the guide:

And by looking at existing portfiles.

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