MacPorts 1.6 still supports OS X 10.3 Panther?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jan 4 21:32:12 PST 2008

On Jan 4, 2008, at 20:12, Boey Maun Suang wrote:

>>>  10. At the command line, you should now find that, when run on any
>>> portname (e.g. xmlcatmgr) the "port info <portname>" and "port  
>>> install
>>> <portname>" commands fail with
>>>      Error: Unable to open port: invalid command name "ui_channels"
>>>      However, you should find that "port search <portname>" works
>>> fine.
>>> (In general, it appears to me that the port commands that fail with
>>> the above message are the ones for which the "port" command attempts
>>> to open a Portfile.)
>> Yes. That is exactly what I see now.
>> Next steps?
> Thank you so much for testing this.  Next steps, unfortunately, are  
> in the
> hands of the developers to try to work out why we're getting this  
> error,
> and then how to fix it.  If you think that you might be able to  
> help with
> figuring out what is going wrong in the core MacPorts code, that  
> would be
> great.  Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to sit tight until we can  
> give
> you a fix to test.  Of course, if you have any suggestions or  
> questions,
> or notice anything further, we'd be most happy to hear from you.
> I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful; my understanding of the core
> MacPorts code just isn't good enough yet to be able to propose any
> immediate fixes.  I hope that we can get this done for you as soon  
> as we
> can.

Maybe this changeset is related to the problem?

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