fusefs/ntfs-3g on Leopard
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Jan 5 17:48:58 PST 2008
On Jan 5, 2008, at 19:28, KURAAKU Deibiddo wrote:
> I've been trying to install both of these ports on 10.5 Leopard,
> but have met with no success so far.
> For some insane reason, it looks for /Applications/Developer/usr/
> bin/xcodebuild (which with Xcode tools installed, is actually in /
> usr/bin). If i symlink /usr into /Applications/Developer, I get this:
> [root at dissonance ~]# port install fusefs
> (With a blank line afterwards.)
> Even if i leave it for hours, it goes nowhere. If I delete my
> symlink:
> [root at dissonance ~]# rm -f /Applications/Developer/usr
> This is the result:
> [root at dissonance ~]# port install fusefs
> ---> Building fusefs
> Error: Target org.macports.build returned: shell command "cd "/opt/
> local/var/macports/build/
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_fuse_
> fusefs/work/fusefs/10.5" && xcodebuild -target "fusefs" -
> buildstyle Release build OBJROOT=build/ SYMROOT=build/
> OBJROOT=build/ SYMROOT=build/" returned error 1
> Command output: Error: Can't run /Applications/Developer/usr/bin/
> xcodebuild (no such file).
> Does anyone have a way to actually get fusefs and ntfs-3g to build
> successfully on 10.5 Leopard?
Do you have Xcode 2.5, Xcode 3, or both installed on your Leopard
They can coexist on Leopard. And Xcode 2.5 can be installed in any
prefix on Leopard.
/Applications/Developer is weird. AFAIK Xcode has always been in /
Developer. Did you tell it to install in /Applications/Developer
In order to support coexistence, Xcode 2.5 installs its files, like
xcodebuild, under the Xcode directory, whatever directory you told
that to be, rather than in system directories. On my Tiger system,
for example, with Xcode 2.5, I have /Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild. On
Tiger, Xcode 2.5 also installs xcodebuild and other items into /usr/
bin. On Leopard, only Xcode 3 installs into system directories.
None of this perhaps explains the problems building fusefs on
Leopard. You should file a ticket in our issue tracker if one does
not already exist.
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