View of non maintained packages

Rolf Würdemann rowue at
Sun Jan 13 15:08:22 PST 2008

Am 13.01.2008 um 23:28 schrieb James Berry:

> Hi Rolf,

Hi James,
> On Jan 13, 2008, at 1:31 PM, Rolf Würdemann wrote:
>>> Gosh, there is a lot of packages not maintained !
>>> It could be interesting to launch a call for maintainers on the  
>>> blog ?
>> Hmmm - I'm a maintainer of three ports - and waiting since one to  
>> three
>> weeks for commitments ...
>> If this happens to new maintainers - think they will not be  
>> maintainers
>> for very long
> I would encourage you, and anybody else who is a maintainer and who  
> would like to be able to do their own commits, to simply apply for  
> committer status. We are not particularly selective about giving  
> out commit bits, as long as the individual has shown that they can  
> maintain ports in a trustworthy fashion.

O.K. - I've thought about it today - and wrote the mail a few minutes  
ago ;)

But it seems that we need more committers before asking on
the website - if we get mainatiners for a quarter of the ports
there will be much work (if my case with the one to three weeks
was not a single case) ;)
> James


			               Security is an illusion - Datasecurity twice
   Rolf Würdemann    -   private: rowue at   -   office:  
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