View of non maintained packages

Rolf Würdemann rowue at
Sun Jan 13 15:37:04 PST 2008

Am 14.01.2008 um 00:21 schrieb Rainer Müller:

> Rolf Würdemann wrote:
>> But it seems that we need more committers before asking on
>> the website - if we get mainatiners for a quarter of the ports
>> there will be much work (if my case with the one to three weeks
>> was not a single case) ;)
> Maybe we should have someone who is responsible for committing updates
> for particular port categories. I think the problem at the moment is
> that a port update is committed if someone looked into Trac to see any
> pending updates... So this is rather random when a port update is  
> committed.

Maybe an commit-group would be an idea ;) (something like the support- 
at our office ;)
> Rainer

			               Security is an illusion - Datasecurity twice
   Rolf Würdemann    -   private: rowue at   -   office:  
rowue at
   GnuPG fingerprint:          7383 348F 67D1 CD27 C90F DDD0 86A3  
31B6 67F0 D02F
   jabber: rowue at 2F66A061 89BCA1A0 AD654827 6FD037FF  

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