follow-up to early Q about package maintainers

Stefmit stefmit at
Mon Jan 14 07:26:09 PST 2008

I apologize for coming back to this, but I have - I hope this time - a more 
constructive question: where do I find a quick tutorial on how to use and 
possibly help the macports process of package maintenance and updating? I am 
not a programmer, so I won;t be able to produce source from scratch, but I 
can find my way around code (having helped source code maintenance, at least 
as tester, for some network stuff for macosx - mostly informal) enough to 
lend a hand, at least with testing and ticket updates ... 


P.S. I am dying for the libpcap fix - my expertise is in network (and 
associated security) and without this one properly done majority of my tools 
are practically useless

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