newbie help wanted with installing/using netpbm through macports

Jochen Küpper jochen at
Wed Jan 16 14:28:53 PST 2008

On 16.01.2008, at 03:06, Matt wrote:

> So I got the ppmtomd port installed, but it creates a unix  
> executable, not a ppd.
> Because the filetype was listed as type: Filter on the source page
> I tried putting a copy of the executable in with the /usr/libexec/ 
> cups/filters
> It doesn't allow me to select it as a printer though...
> I don't suppose you know how to go about making a ppd out of it...

Hi Matt,

some wild guessing here...

Remember that I originally asked you why you did not simply download  
the PPD from the website you gave us?
Maybe you should download this PPD now! Then look into it and its  
documentation, that PPD migth use the filter you just compiled...  
Finally, use specify this PPD when you add the printer in Mac OS X.

If this doesn't work you have to find and read the installation  

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