[MacPorts] #13963: 'port install evince' fails with gcc 'parse error' in comics-document.c -- OSX 10.4.11 PPC (fwd)

Michael Franz mvfranz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 19:33:40 PST 2008


I will not be able to help.  I do have this additional information and
questions though.

I ran the install command and it fails for me at xmlto - I have this problem
from an earlier install.   I wonder if my issue is because I am on intel.

>  G5Q:khillig > sudo port install -f evince
>  --->  Fetching evince
>  --->  Verifying checksum(s) for evince
>  --->  Extracting evince
>  --->  Configuring evince
>  --->  Building evince with target all
>  Error: Target org.macports.build returned: shell command " cd
>  "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_gnome_evince/work/evince-
> 2.21.1"
>  && make all " returned error 2

My questions are:
what version of xmlto do you have installed?
what version of xcode are you using?  I have found that older versions (<2.4)
 have issues with compiling some ports.

Good luck.

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