[MacPorts] #13963: 'port install evince' fails with gcc 'parse error' in comics-document.c -- OSX 10.4.11 PPC (fwd)

Kurt Hillig khillig at umich.edu
Thu Jan 17 16:32:50 PST 2008

Good news, bad news - but the good news is good!

I edited the portfile to read:

 	configure.args  \
 	    --disable-scrollkeeper \
 	    --enable-nautilus \
 	configure.ldflags-append -lstdc++
 	configure.cflags-append "-D__DARWIN_UNIX03=1"

and it worked:

 	G5Q:khillig > sudo port install evince
 	Portfile changed since last build; discarding previous state.
 	--->  Fetching evince
 	--->  Verifying checksum(s) for evince
 	--->  Extracting evince
 	--->  Configuring evince
 	--->  Building evince with target all
 	--->  Staging evince into destroot
 	Warning: violation by /opt/local/man
 	Warning: evince violates the layout of the ports-filesystems!
 	Warning: Please fix or indicate this misbehavior (if it is intended), it
 	will be an error in future releases!
 	--->  Installing evince 2.21.1_0
 	--->  Activating evince 2.21.1_0
 	--->  Cleaning evince

The bad news: see the warnings above.  Thanks!

Now we'll see if everything else will build and install properly...

                             Dr. Kurt Hillig
   UMNet Administration     I always tell the    Fax (734)763-4050
  University of Michigan     absolute truth,    Phone (734)647-8778
Ann Arbor, MI  48105-3640    as I see it.   EMail khillig(at)umich.edu

  > Computers were invented to help people waste more time faster <

On Wed, 16 Jan 2008, Chris Pickel wrote:

> On 16 Jan, 2008, at 22:06, Kurt Hillig wrote:
>> Apologies if you see this twice, but after taking a month break I'm back 
>> trying to get gnucash installed once again - and once again I'm running 
>> into a roadblock.  I've already opened a ticket (see below), but 'port info 
>> evince' says:
>> Maintainers: nomaintainer at macports.org
> I don't have GNOME installed (nor the time to install all of it), but on my 
> system it appears that, depending on the definition of __DARWIN_UNIX03, 
> /usr/include/stdio.h may define stdout as a value containing an &.
> It might be worth editing the portfile (it's at `port file evince`) to 
> include the following:
> configure.cflags-append "-D__DARWIN_UNIX03=1"
> ...and if that doesn't work, trying:
> configure.cflags-append "-D__DARWIN_UNIX03=0"
> If either of those works, post to the ticket [1] and I can amend the 
> portfile. But I'm just shooting in the dark here; I hope something comes of 
> it :)
> [1] http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/13963
> Chris
> !DSPAM:478ecc1f296662129515775!

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