matplotlib: no interactive backends appear to work

Guido Soranzio guido.soranzio at
Sat Jan 26 14:25:44 PST 2008

On Jan 26, 2008, at 6:29 PM, John Owens wrote:

>  port installed | grep matplotlib
>  py-matplotlib @0.90.1_0+numpy+tkinter (active)
>  py25-matplotlib @0.90.1_1+numpy+tkinter (active)

The variant "tkinter" is the default and the only one you
have installed: the other backends cannot work because
you haven't installed their dependencies yet (i.e. py25-cairo).

As for the recent version 2.5 of Tkinter, there is a working
patch which has been committed for the the py-tkinter port but
not yet for the py25-tkinter one

All the other problems with py25-gtk should have been solved

- Guido

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