port install php5 fails on Leopard 10.5.4

kentozier at comcast.net kentozier at comcast.net
Thu Jul 10 01:07:08 PDT 2008


I just tried to install my first MacPorts using the following command

sudo port install php5 +apache2 +mysql5 +mssql

Things went well fetching/configuring/making until it got to mysql5 at which point it spit out the following errors

--->  Fetching mysql5
--->  Attempting to fetch mysql-5.0.51a.tar.gz from http://mysql.mirrors.pair.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for mysql5
--->  Extracting mysql5
--->  Configuring mysql5
--->  Building mysql5 with target all
Error: Target org.macports.build returned: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_databases_mysql5/work/mysql-5.0.51a" && make all " returned error 2
Command output: /usr/bin/sed \
	  -e 's!@''AWK''@!!' \
	makelist.sh > makelist-t
/bin/mv makelist-t makelist
sh ./makelist -h ./vi.c > vi.h.tmp && \
	mv vi.h.tmp vi.h
./makelist: line 81: 
	    printf("/* Automatically generated file, do not edit */\n");
	    printf("#ifndef %s\n#define %s\n", "_h_vi_c", "_h_vi_c");
	/\(\):/ {
	    pr = substr($2, 1, 2);
	    if (pr == "vi" || pr == "em" || pr == "ed") {
		name = substr($2, 1, index($2,"(") - 1);
# XXX:	need a space between name and prototype so that -fc and -fh
#	parsing is much easier
		printf("protected el_action_t\t%s (EditLine *, int);\n", name);
	END {
	    printf("#endif /* %s */\n", "_h_vi_c");
	}: No such file or directory
cat: stdout: Broken pipe
make[3]: *** [vi.h] Error 127
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Error: The following dependencies failed to build: apache2 apr-util mysql5 sqlite3 gawk gettext ncurses ncursesw gmake readline pcre bzip2 curl pkgconfig freetds freetype gd2 fontconfig jpeg libpng libmcrypt libxml2 libxslt mhash tiff
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

 I'm a complete dunce with this command line compile stuff, so how would I go about fixing this?

Any help appreciated

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