New Howto

Rainer Müller raimue at
Thu Jun 5 16:58:08 PDT 2008

Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> I'm still of the opinion that we should install mediawiki on the site  
> and turn these "howtos" into full-blown, collaboratively maintained  
> reference pages worthy of wikipedia (but, unlike wikipedia, also free  
> to be relevant only in the context of projects hosted at macosforge).   
> What do other folks think?

We already have spread our website over enough different places. There 
is, and (and the 
upcoming MPWA at It is already hard enough to find the 
relevant information one is looking for. If we now add yet another new 
site, this will become even worse.

I don't see what a MediaWiki would offer that a Trac Wiki does not. 
Okay, Trac Wiki has some caveats (like it does not do automatic merging 
when editing simultaneously). But I don't see a major benefit from 
switching to MediaWiki.

We already opened up the wiki access to anyone who registers, so I think 
that's collaborative enough.


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