Fwd: Google Search for Macports

Randall Wood randall.h.wood at alexandriasoftware.com
Sat Jun 7 01:52:11 PDT 2008

This is a link to a google search I created for possible use in
MacPorts sites. Use it your own risk.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Randall Wood <randall.h.wood at alexandriasoftware.com>
Date: Sun, May 18, 2008 at 7:14 AM
Subject: Google Search for Macports
To: PortMgr <macports-mgr at lists.macosforge.org>


I created a Google Custom Search for Macports at
Its open to others to volunteer to maintain it, so multiple users can
maintain it.

There is one problem with embedding this search in our site: Since we
are not a legal non-profit organization, we would need to allow Google
to place ads in the search results.

In any event, I hope this is useful in helping get a unified search
for MacPorts.

Randall Wood
randall.h.wood at alexandriasoftware.com

"The rules are simple: The ball is round. The game lasts 90 minutes.
All the rest is just philosophy."

Randall Wood
randall.h.wood at alexandriasoftware.com

"The rules are simple: The ball is round. The game lasts 90 minutes.
All the rest is just philosophy."

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