New Wiki (Was: New Howto)

Martin Krischik krischik at
Wed Jun 11 01:18:20 PDT 2008

Zitat von Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>:

> On Jun 11, 2008, at 01:15, Martin Krischik wrote:
>>> I would say, if I had a vote (who does?), that whatever people are willing
>>> to use wins. It may not be elegant or state of the art, but the best is the
>>> enemy of the good, and good is usually good enough.
>> I like to point out one more aspect: *If* we are going for a new Wiki
>> we might as well replace the homepage as well. For a week or so there
>> was consensus (as in: no one disagreed) that a link from the homepage
>> to the HowTo would be helpful - yet it has not been done.
>> Let me check .... No still not done.
>> And we would not be the first project to go "all wiki":
> The proposed new wiki was to be a global Mac OS Forge documentation
> wiki, not a MacPorts-specific wiki. I'm still not a fan of the idea. Do
> we really want to spend the time and energy converting content from the
> MacPorts Trac wiki to a Mac OS Forge MediaWiki when we have more
> important things we could be doing?

I don't know either - but if we do I propose we replace the home pages  
(and macports guide) as well.

Note that a quick check shows that Bonjour, BridgeSupport, CalendarServer,
MacRuby etc. use the track wiki as home page.

*If* we go thue the trouble of installing media wiki - or any other  
large scale wiki - then we might as well use it for the homepage and  
the guide as well.

But note the *if* - maybe the track wiki is enough after all - in  
which case I suggest we move at least the guide to track wiki as well  
to have more in one place.

 From my quick check I also noted that MacPorts clearly is the largest  
Project on MacOS Forge ao we might as well take the lead.


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