Is "MacPort" a valid term?

William Davis frstan at
Thu Jun 12 06:35:50 PDT 2008

On Jun 11, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> Mmm-port is how you'd pronounce mport in english, and I don't think
> that's very phonetically pleasing.  I'd almost prefer to call it a
> McPort and wait to see if the McDonalds people complain (I kind of
> doubt they will, that ship already sailed when the term "McMansion"
> became popular in the US for describing overly large new houses built
> by the newly wealthy).
> - Jordan

McPort! -- gotta luv that! ;)

William Davis
Mac OS X.5.3 Darwin 9.3.0
Xquartz 2.2.1 - (xorg-server 1.3.0-apple20)
Mac Mini Intel Duo @ 1.86 GHz

Mundus vult decepi, ego non

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