upgrades fail after leopard update

Alan Batie alan at batie.org
Thu Jun 12 13:52:56 PDT 2008

I just got around to upgrading my work machine to leopard.  The first 
problem I ran into was that apparently I had a really old xcode 
installed, so none of the old ported binaries would run (something about 
an old threading model no longer supported apparently).  I upgraded that 
and did the self update, which appeared to work, but "port upgrade" 
still fails.  I finally did a "port install dovecot" trying to get my 
mail going again, which worked, until I tried to start it, at which time 
"daemondo" failed to run.  Apparently even though I did "self update" it 
didn't.  I downloaded installed macports 1.6.0, which fixed *that* 
finally, but the "port upgrade installed" still fails:

[163] # port upgrade installed
--->  Configuring xorg-util-macros
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell 
command " cd 
&& ./configure --prefix=/opt/local " returned error 1
Command output: sh: line 0: cd: 
No such file or directory

Error: The following dependencies failed to build: xorg-util-macros
--->  Configuring xorg-util-macros
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell 
command " cd 
&& ./configure --prefix=/opt/local " returned error 1
Command output: sh: line 0: cd: 
No such file or directory

and on for each of them.

I'm not sure "port upgrade" will fix everything anyhow: if there's not a 
newer version of something, it's not going to rebuild it.  What I really 
need is "port reinstall installed" to force rebuilding everything with 
new binaries...
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