upgrades fail after leopard update

Alan Batie alan at batie.org
Fri Jun 13 17:01:16 PDT 2008

BTW, for the record here, the problem with the upgrade turned out to be 
macports found the old bzip2 and was trying to use it to extract the 
tarball.  It was the old tiger binary, and failing, but the ports code 
wasn't detecting the failure.  When it went to process the extracted 
files, they weren't there.  removing and reinstalling bzip2 fixed it.

Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>> perhaps a "port rebuild outdated", where "outdated" in this case 
>> refers to the environment rather than the port version?
> "outdated" is a "pseudo-port", which MacPorts expands into a list of 
> ports. MacPorts cannot expand "outdated" to mean one set of ports in one 
> circumstance and a different set of ports in a different circumstance. 

I see; well, "port rebuild installed" would be most likely what you'd 
want "just to be sure" in a case like this anyhow.

> MacPorts should be enhanced to remove the 
> +darwin_8 variant in this case.

Yes, as I understand things, I agree.

> In one instance, I think you said "port upgrade", which means "install 
> the new version, then deactivate the currently-active version, then 
> activate the new version." In the other case, I think you said "port 
> install", which means "install the new version and activate it". Only 
> one port can be active at a time, so "port install" had an error when 
> attempting to activate.

That sounds very likely.
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