Apache Questions [was PHP Problems]

Thomas Condon tomc at sounddsl.com
Wed Mar 12 12:31:24 PDT 2008

Matt Hippely wrote:
> Did you check to see if apache was running/started? I am not an expert but
> here is what I would try...
> I'm not sure what version of OSX you are running but I have the latest
> version of Tiger, fyi. Here is what I see when I run the following commands
> from terminal:
> ps -aux | grep httpd
> I get results like:
> ...
> www        158   0.0 -0.3    46292   6036  ??  S    Sat05PM
> 0:04.42/opt/local/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
> ...
> if you dont see any httpd daemons in your process list, then apache might
> not be running. You can start it by issuing the command
> /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
> Then check to see if localhost works in your browser.

Thanks Matt & William.  That did the trick.

I think that the machine locked up after the port finished running, but 
before I got around to readying what was on the screen.  So after 
re-boot I found it installed and active (according to the port command), 
but that apparently does not mean it is running.  Curious difference, that.

Anyway, after adding a symbolic link to my directory there is joy in 

Thanks, again, to all who helped me along.

In A Chord,

Tom Condon
Bass, Agate Passage Quartet
Bass & Proud Member, Kitsap Chordsmen
Dir. Music Education, Evergreen District, BHS

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