Maintainer away tracking

Salvatore Domenick Desiano sal at
Mon Mar 17 07:44:50 PDT 2008

o > If there was some way to indicate that something
o > required action by me,
o like say, a ticket assigned or CC'd to you? ;-)

Is that true? If I, at a minimum, look at all e-mails cc'd to me, will 
that be sufficent to make sure I'm not holding anyone up? If not, maybe 
that would be a good policy. I'm pretty sure there are tasks that don't 
require tickets, so, I don't think that's enough, but maybe that would 

Maybe, if someone is about to clarify the 72 hour rule, they could add 
"the 72 hours begins when the maintainer has been directly e-mailed 
regarding the change".

Then I'll update my filters.

As for the vacation page, I also would not advertise being on 
"vacation", but I don't mind if anyone else does.

-- Sal

  Salvatore Domenick Desiano
    Doctoral Candidate
      Robotics Institute
        Carnegie Mellon University

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