Maintainer away tracking

Rainer Müller raimue at
Mon Mar 17 07:53:57 PDT 2008

Salvatore Domenick Desiano wrote:
> o > If there was some way to indicate that something
> o > required action by me,
> o 
> o like say, a ticket assigned or CC'd to you? ;-)
> Is that true? If I, at a minimum, look at all e-mails cc'd to me, will 
> that be sufficent to make sure I'm not holding anyone up? If not, maybe 
> that would be a good policy. I'm pretty sure there are tasks that don't 
> require tickets, so, I don't think that's enough, but maybe that would 
> work...

You can also query the Trac database to find cc'ed tickets:$EMAIL

If you are set on CC for a ticket, Trac also sends the mail with your 
email address in the CC header. If you are the reporter or assignee, 
your email address is in the To header.

> Maybe, if someone is about to clarify the 72 hour rule, they could add 
> "the 72 hours begins when the maintainer has been directly e-mailed 
> regarding the change".

Right, this should be added.


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