Difficulties installing Gnumeric

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Mar 27 22:56:34 PDT 2008

On Mar 27, 2008, at 23:45, Pete Crite wrote:

> I've now got Xcode 2.5 running on my computer. I uninstalled xcode  
> 2.0, and installed 2.5. The customizable options were a fair bit  
> different to the 2.0 installer (e.g. no options for individual SDKs  
> etc.). I only installed "Xcode IDE and Tools." I had a look at the  
> information for the other options, but none of them appeared  
> relevant. I didn't bother reinstalling Macports, as the folders and  
> files appeared intact.
> I then attempted to continue Gnumeric installation (sudo port  
> install gnumeric), but now have a new (unique) error message for  
> python, which I have reproduced below.
> Cheers,
> Pete.
> <<<<< Error message >>>>>
> --->  Building python25 with target all
> Error: Target org.macports.build returned: shell command " cd "/opt/ 
> local/var/macports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_ 
> python25/work/Python-2.5.2" && make all " returned error 127Command  
> output: sh: line 1: make: command not found

And is "make" on your system now? What does "which make" say? On  
mine, it says "/usr/bin/make". If you don't have make, Xcode isn't  
installed properly.

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