emacs-app count as emacs?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri May 2 03:20:48 PDT 2008

On May 2, 2008, at 1:59 AM, CHENG Gao wrote:

> *On Thu, 1 May 2008 14:55:43 -0700
> * Also sprach "Brian P. Flaherty" <bxf4 at u.washington.edu>:
>> I just installed the port aqua/emacs-app.  I've been using  
>> Aquamacs, but
>> thought I'd give the port a try.  I then went to install auctex,  and
>> port wanted to install emacs.  How do I tell port that emacs-app   
>> counts
>> as an emacs, and so the other emacs doesn't need to be installed?
> I trust the problem lies in that emacs-app is build only as a
> self-contained package (all files in one Emacs.app package). While
> installing emacs addons like auctex, it'll search /opt/local/bin for
> emacs and it dooms to fail.
> I myself use emacs-app and now I build it manually. I dont do ./ 
> compile
> as instructed but in standard three steps (I build from emacs-app bzr
> repo in Savannah, not 9.0rc3):
> ,----
> | ./configure --with-ns --without-x --enable-ns-app --prefix=/usr/ 
> local --without-freetype
> | make -j4 bootstrap
> | sudo make install
> `----
> (For port file /usr/local should be changed to /opt/local)
> So I trust if emacs-app port file is revised to do a standard build
> instead of a self-contained one, your problem will be solved.I suppose
> so since I never install emacs addons thru Macports. I always do  
> manual
> building and installation.

Well, but port auctex also declares its dependency on "port:emacs".  
Only the port emacs can satisfy that dependency. If other ports would  
also be suitable, the dependency in auctex could be rewritten like  
"path:${prefix}/bin/emacs:emacs" so that any port that installs e.g.  
the emacs binary in the MacPorts prefix would satisfy the dependency.

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