Resolving dependencies

Rainer Müller raimue at
Thu May 8 05:48:24 PDT 2008

Svoop wrote:
> git-core depends on curl depends on curl-ca-bundles
> If I update curl, I have two concurrent versions installed. Uninstalling the
> obsolete one is not working as git-core has been built dependent on the old
> curl version. So I have to uninstall or force-uninstall git-core, remove the
> obsolete curl and install git-core again.

If you use port -Rn upgrade all depending ports will be rebuild. Are you 
sure git-core builds against a specific version and does not work with 
the new one? Usually there is no need to rebuild dependents.

I think you ran into this message which makes you think it depends on 
the old version. Dependencies are (not yet) version aware, so you need 
to use port -f uninstall to remove a port which has dependents - even if 
another version is still active. Uninstalling inactive versions is 
always safe.

> And - not being blasphemic there - are there any improvements concerning
> dependency handling in the MacPorts pipeline? Maybe changing the underlying
> engine to Portage? ;-)

Gentoo already has a project for portage in a prefix on alternative systems.


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