Qt4-mac issue

Adam Dershowitz dersh at alum.mit.edu
Thu May 22 10:08:42 PDT 2008

I was not building it with macports (it must be a pretty new port, and  
I had not noticed it before.  And I am using 1.1, which is just a  
beta).  I am using cmake 2.6-patch 0.

But I did figure out what the problem was.  The issue was just that  
cmake had created a cache in the folder that pointed to the locations  
of different things.  The change in Qt4, to the frameworks locations,  
was not caught by cmake, so it was using the old set of info.  I  
deleted a few things in the directory that were cmake related.  I  
think that the one that probably did it was deleting CMakeCache.txt.   
Then doing cmake forced it to find all that stuff again in the new  

So the lesson is that any applications, that use Qt, but are not in  
Macports, will be looking in the old locations and won't build  
properly until they are forced to look in the new place.  I would  
guess that there is something that is functionally like "cmake clean"  
that would force this update, but I didn't find that command.


On May 22, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> Are you building sqliteman through MacPorts?  I just built it myself  
> and
> it worked fine.  When did you install the latest qt4-mac port?
> If I had to guess, I would bet that you're still running CMake  
> version 2.4.x.
> I'm running the latest (2.6) and it didn't have any problem building  
> it.
> Try doing "sudo port upgrade cmake" and then building sqliteman.
> Cheers,
> Tanner Lovelace
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Adam Dershowitz  
> <dersh at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> I have run into a problem using the new version of Qt4-mac (4.4).   
>> I am
>> trying to build sqliteman, an application that uses Qt4.  It would  
>> build
>> fine for me with the prior Qt4 macport version.  And I have been  
>> informed
>> that it does work fine with 4.4 on other platforms.
>> The problem is that when I try to do the build I get errors from  
>> make, after
>> cmake.  The problem is that make is looking in the wrong place for  
>> include
>> files and such.
>> If I do a verbose build I get things like this on the make:
>> -I/opt/local/include/qt4 -I/opt/local/include/qt4/QtGui
>> But these directories don't exist.  I believe that they were the  
>> correct
>> place location to find things for Qt4.3?  It seems like they were  
>> moved to
>> /opt/local/Library/Frameworks....
>> So the question is how to get cmake/make to correctly find this  
>> change?  I
>> am not sure if this is actually a problem with something being  
>> cached in my
>> sqliteman directory, or if it is a problem with how cmake locates
>> directories?  Is there a bad link somewhere in the Qt install?
>> Frankly I am not sure if this is a bug in Macports Qt4, in  
>> sqliteman, in how
>> to use cmake, or where to find the answer.  But I figured I would  
>> start with
>> macports, since that is where the change in locations for directories
>> occurred.
>> Thanks,
>> --Adam
> -- 
> Tanner Lovelace
> http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
> (fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
> increscent, all sable.

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