ASSP out of date
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at
Thu Nov 6 00:37:22 PST 2008
On Nov 6, 2008, at 02:30, Scott Haneda wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2008, at 11:37 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Nov 6, 2008, at 01:34, Scott Haneda wrote:
>>> On Nov 5, 2008, at 9:41 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> Declare dependencies on those ports in the assp port. For
>>>> example, if they are library dependencies, write:
>>>> depends_lib-append port:p5-perl-ldap
>>>> You can discover that the port p5-perl-ldap exists by typing
>>>> "port search ldap" and looking through the results.
>>> Might as well just jump in and try to do the entire shebang.
>>> There are a lot more optional perl modules than I thought. What
>>> is the naming scheme for determining if they are available to ports?
>>> Here is the whole list:
>>> Net::DNS
>>> Compress::Zlib
>>> Digest::MD5
>>> Email::MIME::Modifier new
>>> Email::Valid
>>> File::ReadBackwards
>>> Mail::SPF new
>>> Mail::SPF::Query
>>> Mail::SRS
>>> Net::CIDR::Lite new
>>> Net::IP::Match::Regexp new
>>> Net::LDAP
>>> Net::SMTP new
>>> Net::SenderBase new
>>> Net::Syslog
>>> Sys::Syslog
>>> Tie::RDBM
>>> Time::HiRes
>>> Win32::Daemon
>> In general, lowercase it, prepend "p5-", and replace "::" with
>> "-". So e.g. "Net::DNS" becomes "p5-net-dns".
>>> I would assume, the Win32::Daemon is not needed, and that many of
>>> these may be available to the perl that ports already has in
>>> place, but I am not sure.
>>> Is it correct that case is a non issue in something like `port
>>> search net-dns`? I see it finds it, but do I need to make sure
>>> case is correct when I declare a dependency. I will maintain the
>>> case in the read me, but I would like to confirm that case in
>>> case the read me is in error, if it matters of course.
>> "port search" should be case-insensitive, but you must declare
>> dependencies with the same case as it says in the port.
> For each of those, would those be bin, lib or path? I am thinking
> they are lib's but want to make sure they get stuffed in the right
> spot.
Use port:-style dependencies for all of them, declared as library
dependencies (using depends_lib-append).
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