Lingon Portfile Update

Altoine Barker ndiscreet at
Sun Nov 16 15:51:25 PST 2008

I noticed that Lingon in MacPorts was outdated version (2.0.2), so I changed
the Portfile to reflect the new version (2.1) and the md5 checksum for the
source (648c4ef122253110d28a950949c5d570). I tested the modified Portfile
and it works. I manually changed the date and time of the portfile and here
is what my Portfile contains:
<macports-users at>
# $Id: Portfile 30917 2008-11-16 17:32:00Z bfulgham at $

PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup xcode 1.0

name            Lingon
version            2.1
categories        aqua sysutils
platforms        darwin
maintainers        bfulgham at
description        Graphical interface for creating launchd configurations

long_description    Lingon is a graphical interface for creating launchd
configuration \
            files and controlling them through launchctl for Mac OS X Tiger.

master_sites        sourceforge:lingon
checksums        md5 648c4ef122253110d28a950949c5d570

use_zip            yes
distname        ${name}Source-${version}

pre-fetch {
    if {[variant_isset darwin_6] || [variant_isset darwin_7] ||
[variant_isset darwin_8]} {
        return -code error "${name} ${version} only builds on Mac OS X
Leopard (10.5.x). Sorry."

use_configure        no

platform darwin 6 { }
platform darwin 7 { }
platform darwin 8 { }

platform darwin 9 {
    if {$xcodeversion == "2.1"} {
        set xcodebuilddir    build/Deployment

build.type        pbx
build.dir        ${workpath}/${name}Source        "Lingon"
build.args        -configuration "Release"

destroot    {
    xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts
    file copy ${workpath}/${name}Source/build/Release/${name}.app \

If there is a better way to report this, pleas enlighten me.

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