Octave port

Robert Fong-tom rfongtom at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 19:42:26 PST 2008

Since I ported Octave using MacPorts, I have been working through a  
number of problems, which all seem to be related to the fact that I  
had installed octave, aquaterm and gnuplot previously from dmg  
packages. I previously wrote to both the MacPort and Octave users  
group about these problems and you all have been very helpful and I  
have learned a lot from you all. I started a new e-mail because I  
recently realized that the problem may be with AquaTerm not GNUPLOT.  
I recently noticed that there are several AquaTerm.app on my hard  
drive and I don't know if this is normal. These AquaTerm.app files  
are in the following.

1) /Applications/MacPorts/AquaTerm.app (only file in this directory)

2) /opt/local/var/macports/build/ 

3) /opt/var/macports/software/aquaterm/1.0.1_0+darwin_8/Applications/ 

4) /opt/local/var/macports/build/ 

Is this normal? Are some of these related to the build of Octave?

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