Octave packages

Alakazam alakazam at melix.net
Sun Nov 23 23:19:38 PST 2008

Hello Robert,

On 24 nov. 08, at 06:51, Robert Fong-tom wrote:

> I noticed that some functions of the packages listed at http://octave.sourceforge.net/ 
>  does not exist in the packages ported from MacPorts. Foe example,  
> in octave-financial the function does not appear to exist in the  
> MacPorts ported version. However, the MacPorts version of octave- 
> image is 0.2.2 while the version at octave.sourceforge.net is 0.3.0.

This seems to indicate that we (the octave portfile maintainers)  
should update the octave-* packages. I'll try to look into it this  
week. You can also open a ticket on the trac system to indicate the  
outdated ports (https://trac.macports.org/newticket, registration  
required iirc).

> Another example is the busdays function in the octave-time package.  
> Where can I find  the functions available on my system? I would like  
> to check to make sure that these functions do not exist on my system.

If your macports installation is standard, you can find the octave-*  
files in

> /opt/local/libexec/octave/packages

Alakazam <alakazam at melix.net>

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