svn update problem (essentially solved)

Jochen Küpper kuepper.jochen at
Wed Nov 26 02:41:30 PST 2008


this is a summary of my issues with svn 1.5.4 (r33841) from MacPorts,  
used with psvn.el in Aquamacs 1.5.

On 25.11.2008, at 21:23, Stefan Reichör wrote:

>>> Schwer zu sagen, was da nicht klappt.
>>> Hast du das Problem noch immer?
>> yes, problem still exists.
>>> Wie sieht der Inhalt des " *svn-process*" Buffers aus?
>> The content of the process buffer is one line:
>> svn: OPTIONS of': authorization  
>> failed (
>> Actually, I realize that psvn.el gives --non-interactive to svn.
>> If I do that in the commandline, it fails with the same error.  
>> Should I be able (in Terminal) to successfully run
>>  svn --non-interactive up
>> or do I need to give more options in that case?
> I am no subversion expert:
> --non-interactive        : do no interactive prompting
> It seems that authentification does not work with some cached
> user/password data or that this data is missing now.
> On linux ~/.subversion/auth caches the login information somehow.
> You could try to find, if your login information for the server is
> stored there.

That seems to be perfectly correct.

a) If I used svn update without "--non-interactive" on the  
commandline, or via a modified psvn.el, it worked without asking for  
b) If I used svn update with "--non-interactive" on the commandline,  
or via an unmodified psvn.el, it did not work -- error message is above.

I looked at the corresponding .subversion/auth directory -- there was  
no password stored. Once I ran "svn update --username=jochen -- 
password=<password> --non-interactive, everything is fine again. Now  
both scenarios, (a) and (b), work, because the password is stored  
inside the auth directory.

I do not know why this is the case, and why it did work before without  
the password, but, well, I consider it resolved. Does this have to do  
with the Mac OS X keychain, that could have been providing the  
password? Would it?

Thank you for your help!

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