There is no release manager! There is no release manager!

Joshua Root jmr at
Tue Oct 7 20:59:08 PDT 2008

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Julio Biason wrote:
>>> Perhaps we should send out some sort of announcement calling formally
>>> for volunteers for the position?
>> Oh, what the hell, I have plenty of time these days. What should a
>> Release Manager do?
> There's a summary of some of the things that needs to be done at:

Additionally, before actually doing the release, the goals for the
release need to be laid out. A Trac milestone should be created and the
tickets which need to be resolved in order to meet the release goals
should be associated with it. Then developers will probably need to be
prodded in the right direction to get the tickets closed.

Of course, at this point there's probably far more good to be done by
releasing something very close to the current trunk than by delaying
further to get more fixes or features in.

And thank you very much for volunteering.

- Josh

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