Building sqlite3 fails

Normen Müller normen.mueller at
Sun Sep 14 02:56:31 PDT 2008

Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Sep 13, 2008, at 3:38 PM, Normen Müller wrote:
>> Bryan Blackburn wrote:
>>> Since you already have a version of sqlite3 installed (3.6.1_0), 
>>> install (or
>>> technically, activate) fails.  Since you've already done the install, 
>>> you
>>> can simply uninstall the older version with
>>> $ sudo port uninstall sqlite3 @3.6.1_0
>> I tried that, but got the following error:
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> sudo port uninstall sqlite3 @3.6.1_0
>> --->  Unable to uninstall sqlite3 3.6.1_0, the following ports depend 
>> on it:
>> --->      apr-util
>> --->      apr-util
>> Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that depend 
>> on sqlite3 first.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
> You should force the uninstallation:
> sudo port -f uninstall sqlite3 @3.6.1_0
> This is fine since you will be activating 3.6.2_0 in a moment.
> MacPorts 1.7.0 and later will no longer complain in this way about 
> uninstalling a port if another version of the port is already installed.
>>> then activate the new version
>>> $ sudo port activate sqlite3
>>> In the future, you can avoid that by just using
>>> $ sudo port upgrade sqlite3
>> In the future, can I even perform
>>     $ sudo port -u upgrade sqlite3
>> and
>>     $ sudo port -u upgrade outdated
> Sure, if you like. The "-u" flag will cause MacPorts to uninstall the 
> old version of the port rather than just deactivating it. If you're sure 
> the new version will work (i.e. you're sure you won't want to deactivate 
> the new version and re-activate the old one for some reason) then the 
> "-u" flag is for you.
Thanks for the help and explanation!


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