autoreconf: failed to run libtoolize

Joshua Root jmr at
Sun Apr 5 14:31:08 PDT 2009

Georg Otto wrote:
> Hi,
> I am quite inexperienced with Mac ports, so I apologize if I missed
> something obvious. I am trying to install lyx, but there seems to be a
> missing binary libtoolize (see below) Any idea?
> Can't exec "libtoolize": No such file or directory at /opt/local/share/autoconf
> Autom4te/ line 290, <GEN3> line 4.
> autoreconf: failed to run libtoolize: No such file or directory

That's a strange error to get, since xorg-libAppleWM depends on libtool.
On my system it correctly finds glibtoolize.

What version of MacPorts are you running? Is the libtool port installed
and active? Are all your installed ports up to date?

- Josh

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