downgrading Gnucash not helping

Lenore Horner LenoreHorner at
Wed Apr 8 15:51:20 PDT 2009

On Apr 6, 2009, at 04:39 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Apr 5, 2009, at 09:04, Lenore Horner wrote:
>> Because of as yet unresolved Pango problems, I need to go back to  
>> my previous installation of Gnucash.  I attempted to do so, but  
>> Gnucash complains about a symbol not existing in a dylib.  So far  
>> the only thing I've deactivated and reactivated the old version of  
>> is Gnucash itself.  Other things that successfully upgraded have  
>> the new version active.  Is this causing problems?  If so, how do I  
>> figure out where the problem is?  I attempted to use port provides  
>> to figure out where the "missing" dylib was coming from but as you  
>> can see below, that didn't look in opt/ at all.
>> FWIW, this is exactly the same reason that the new Gnucash 2.2.9_1  
>> won't run.  Gnucash actually installs and activates despite the  
>> Pango failure.
>> Any help appreciated.
>> Lenore
>> Details:
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ port installed gnucash
>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>  gnucash @2.2.8_0+no_x11+without_hbci+without_ofx+without_quotes
>>  gnucash @2.2.9_1+no_x11+without_hbci+without_ofx+without_quotes  
>> (active)
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ sudo port deactivate gnucash 2.2.9_1
>> Password:
>> --->  Deactivating gnucash
>> Error: port deactivate failed: Registry error: 2.2.9_1 not  
>> registered as installed & active.
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ sudo port deactivate gnucash at 2.2.9_1
>> Error: port deactivate failed: Registry error: gnucash not  
>> registered as installed & active.
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ port installed gnucash
>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>  gnucash @2.2.8_0+no_x11+without_hbci+without_ofx+without_quotes
>>  gnucash @2.2.9_1+no_x11+without_hbci+without_ofx+without_quotes
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ sudo port activate gnucash at 2.2.8_0
>> Error: port activate failed: Registry error: gnucash 2.2.8_0 not  
>> registered as installed.
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ sudo port activate gnucash at 2.2.8_0+no_x11+without_hbci+without_ofx+without_quotes
>> --->  Activating gnucash @2.2.8_0+no_x11+without_hbci+without_ofx 
>> +without_quotes
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ gnucash
>> dyld: Symbol not found: _CGLGetCurrentContext
>>  Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/ 
>> Versions/A/OpenGL
>>  Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libGL.dylib
>> Trace/BPT trap
>> MLHPBG4:~ mlh$ port provides libGL
>> /Users/mlh/libGL does not exist.
> You need to give "port provides" the full path of the file in  
> question.
> $ port provides /opt/local/lib/libGL.dylib
> /opt/local/lib/libGL.dylib is provided by: mesa
> mesa was recently updated to a new version. Check "port installed  
> mesa" to see if you still have the old version around. If so,  
> deactivate the new version and activate the old one.
I haven't removed any of the deactivated ports myself, but I only have  
one version of mesa around.  That should mean it wasn't upgraded.

$ port installed mesa
The following ports are currently installed:
   mesa @7.2_7+hw_render (active)

I tried to figure out where mesa came from.
$ port dependents mesa
mesa has no dependents!

So what installed mesa?

If I deactivate all my installed ports and then install the old  
version of Gnucash, will that fix things, or will that only reactivate  
the proper dependencies but not recompile them against their correct  


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