Port patches, how to proceeed

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Thu Apr 23 18:46:53 PDT 2009

Hello, another list user here has sent me a local port patch file for  
postfix.  mysql support was added via a variant.  I do not believe it  
has been submitted to trac yet, it definitely is not in upstream  

It works for me, though I have found some other issue I want to  
patch.  I do not want to add my patches to the other users patch, I  
think for credit reasons, and tracking reasons, they need to be kept  

How do I do this?  How do I make a second, separate diff/patch in my  
local macports repo?

What I need to solve, is on start you will get these errors:
postfix/postsuper[175]: warning: bogus file name: maildrop/.turd_postfix
postfix/postfix-script[192]: warning: not owned by _postfix: /opt/ 

1) Is there a single command to clean up .turd files, is there a way  
to simply traverse all installed files and get rid of them all?  If  
not, I can do them one at a time, what phase is suggested?

2) The second error above, can not entirely be solved by just deleting  
the .turd file, you will still get a permissons error iirc.  So I also  
need to issue a user/group change as well. What phase is suggested for  
this work?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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