Building MacPorts on a Linux system

Andrew Berry andrewberry at
Wed Aug 19 21:47:04 PDT 2009

On 20-Aug-09, at 12:17 AM, Sumner Trammell wrote:

> If there is no way to build MacPorts on a Linux system

I'm going to guess that many ports contain OS X specific patches, much  
like FreeBSD Ports do. Unless there's an easy way to turn such patches  
off, you're going to run into problems building packages.

My suggestion would be to create a chroot on your system containing an  
environment meeting your needs. IMO the best Linux package system  
available is Debian's; you could create a debian (or debian-derived  
distro) chroot with "debootstrap", and install packages as needed. If  
you must build packages from source, then perhaps a Gentoo chroot is  

If you go this route, take a look at 'schroot'. It lets you set  
permissions and run programs per-chroot, so you could run:

$ schroot -p /bin/ls

to run 'ls' within your default chroot.

However, if anyone is running MacPorts on Linux / BSD, I'd be  
interested in their experiences!

Good luck!
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