Non-working non-root install

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Aug 31 09:25:37 PDT 2009

On Aug 30, 2009, at 14:44, Bryan Blackburn wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 03:19:29AM -0500, Ryan Schmidt said:
>> Are you also seeing the output I see?
> Yes, the same warning during each phase, hence my thinking it should
> probably be printed only once, and that we should probably have a  
> ticket to
> keep track of it.

Ok, it's filed:

> You may also want to check macportsuser in macports.conf, perhaps it  
> isn't
> what it should be?  If it isn't there at all, the default value  
> should be
> coming from ${prefix}/share/macports/Tcl/port1.0/port_autoconf.tcl.

macportsuser is set to rschmidt in macports.conf.

> Other than that, I'm not sure why it would work here but not for you.

I am attaching a script which reproduces the problem on my system  
(clean install of Snow Leopard), and the output I get. When you run  
it, do you see the problem on your system as well? You need to edit  
the user in the script. Note that it installs MacPorts in /tmp/mp and  
downloads the MacPorts source to /tmp/macportsbase. You can edit these  
at the top of the script too if you want.

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