Dependency problem while install p5-gd

Woody Lin woodydon777 at
Thu Dec 10 22:34:45 PST 2009


I used the brand new Mac OS 10.6.2 in my new Mac Pro to install gd2 and
p5-gd. It works fine!!

The new Mac OS is using Perl 5.8.9, so it is true that perl version is the

Is there an easy way to clean up all perl versions on my Macbook Pro? I want
to install Perl 5.8.9 only.

Thank you all for the helps.

2009/12/10 Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>

> On Dec 9, 2009, at 03:25, Woody Lin wrote:
> > 2009/12/9 Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>
> >
> >> This message in your output gives me the first clue of the cause of the
> problem:
> >>
> >> > Writing
> /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_perl_p5-locale-gettext/work/destroot/Network/Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Locale/gettext/.packlist
> >>
> >> Somehow it has found Perl 5.10 on your network, and decided it should
> install the module there, instead of locally on your machine within your
> MacPorts installation. Thus the post-destroot code, which tries to look at
> every item in ${destroot}${perl5.lib} fails, because that directory never
> got created.
> >>
> >> I don't know how this occurred or how to stop it, short of getting off
> the network.
> >
> > I think there must be a solution for install GD module onto Mac OS 10.6.
> >
> > I just wanted to install GD module for Perl. Things are far complicated
> than I expected...
> I agree that there is a solution to your issue. The one I can suggest so
> far is to get off of whatever network is filling your /Network directory
> with a rogue copy of Perl. It is incorrect for MacPorts to be finding and
> using that copy of Perl, but most MacPorts contributors probably have never
> seen anything in their /Network directories and thus have never encountered
> this problem, nor have any idea how to prevent MacPorts from using it. At
> least I don't at this time.
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