Now py-matplotlib won't install

David Nicholls david at
Sun Dec 27 23:43:43 PST 2009

Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 18:24, David Nicholls wrote:
>> I tried to install py-matplotlib for Python and got most of the way
>> through, before being told that some port was in use, and to
>> deactivate something (should have written it down).  I then closed
>> Teminal, reopened it and started over.  I now get a message about
>> py-objc2 failing to install (shown here just as a single install):
>> <xx>:~ xxx$ sudo port install py-pyobjc2 --->  Computing
>> dependencies for py-pyobjc2 --->  Building py-pyobjc2 Error: Target
>> returned: shell command " cd
>> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_python_py-pyobjc2/work/pyobjc-core"
>> && /opt/local/bin/python2.4 build " returned error 1 
>> Command output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "",
>> line 322, in ? package_data = { File
>> "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/distutils/",
>> line 110, in setup _setup_distribution = dist = klass(attrs) File
>> "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/setuptools/", line
>> 260, in __init__ self.fetch_build_eggs(attrs.pop('setup_requires'))
>>  File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/setuptools/",
>> line 283, in fetch_build_eggs for dist in working_set.resolve( File
>> "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/", line
>> 569, in resolve raise VersionConflict(dist,req) # XXX put more info
>> here pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (macholib 1.2
>> (/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages),
>> Requirement.parse('macholib>=1.2.1'))
>> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
> This error is already reported here:


> Recently, py26-pyobjc2 was replaced by py26-pyobjc and py25-pyobjc2
> was replaced by py25-pyobjc. Maybe the same change needs to be made
> to py-pyobjc2 to merge it into py-pyobjc.
>> I have no idea what this implies, but, along with my 'py-biggles'
>> problem, it suggests to me that running Python under Macports is
>> perhaps not a reliable process.
>> But as I don't yet know enough about macports, maybe there's a
>> simple solution.  Any suggestions?
> As far as I know, Python in MacPorts should generally work. Of course
> individual ports may be broken, for which tickets should be filed.

OK.  I'll be more systematic and file tickets.

> And as Joshua said, you might not want to be using the Python 2.4
> versions of these ports; you may instead want to use the Python 2.6
> versions of these ports, e.g. py26-pyobjc.

The problem is that py-matplotlib requires requires python 2.4.  Hence 
the Python version breeding program that's going on on my Mac ;-)

But the benefit is that I'm learning how it all works (albeit slowly)

ANU RSAA Mt Stromlo

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