Can't install foo because conflicting ports are installed: foo-foo

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Dec 30 10:15:56 PST 2009

On Dec 30, 2009, at 11:59, Charles Darwin wrote:

> hi, in trying to build Kdenlive port tries to build qt4-mac and fails.
> I managed to build qt4-mac-devel but now I get this:
> Error: Unable to execute port: Can't install qt4-mac because
> conflicting ports are installed: qt4-mac-deve
> looking at Portfiles for Kdenlive's deps it seems that it's not only
> one dep to workaround but there is a bunch of them. is there a hack to
> get base port to think qt4-mac-devel is qt4-mac?

No, every port that depends on qt4-mac would have to have its dependency rewritten in a form that would allow qt4-mac-devel to satisfy it. I can do this later.

qt4-mac should also be updated to the current version. There is a ticket for this. 

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