mysql5 variant

Bradley Giesbrecht brad at
Mon Feb 23 10:40:50 PST 2009

Adds startupitem, user/group among other tasks.

cat `port dir mysql5`/Portfile

variant server {
     # Create a startupitem to start/stop the server
     startupitem.create  yes
     startupitem.start   "${prefix}/share/${mysql}/mysql/mysql.server  
     startupitem.stop    "${prefix}/share/${mysql}/mysql/mysql.server  

pre-destroot {
     # Some directories we must have in all cases
     xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${sysconfdir}
     destroot.keepdirs-append ${destroot}${sysconfdir}

     # Setup only for server
     if { [variant_isset server] } {
         addgroup ${mysqluser}
         set gid [existsgroup ${mysqluser}]
         adduser ${mysqluser} gid=${gid} realname=MySQL\ Server

         # Some directories we must have only if we're running as a  
         xinstall -m 755 -o root -d ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run

         xinstall -m 755 -o ${mysqluser} -g ${mysqluser} -d \
             ${destroot}${dbdir} \
         destroot.keepdirs-append  \
             ${destroot}${dbdir} \

post-destroot {
     delete ${destroot}${prefix}/mysql-test

     # Fix paths in manpages and sample configuration files
     foreach manpage [glob -type f ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man 
\[1-9\]/*] {
         reinplace "s|/etc/my.cnf|${sysconfdir}/my.cnf|g" ${manpage}
     foreach samp_conffile [glob -type f ${destroot}${prefix}/share/$ 
{mysql}/mysql/my-*.cnf] {
         reinplace "s|/etc/my.cnf|${sysconfdir}/my.cnf|g" $ 

     # Symlink mysql binaries into bin directory, with $ 
{major_version} appended to the name
     foreach f [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${bindir} my*] {
         ln -sf ${bindir}/${f} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${f}$ 

post-install {
     if { [variant_isset server] } {
         ui_msg "******************************************************"
         ui_msg "* In order to setup the database, you might want to  
         ui_msg "* sudo -u ${mysqluser} mysql_install_db5"
         ui_msg "* if this is a new install"
         ui_msg "******************************************************"

On Feb 23, 2009, at 2:08 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:

> What is the +server variant for in mysql5?  I looked at the port  
> source, and am no sure.  I did port variant mysql5 and it did not  
> tell me much.
> --
> Scott
> * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
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