Install suggestions for port ASSP

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Feb 27 17:19:29 PST 2009

On Feb 27, 2009, at 08:44, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:

> If I understand Ryans reply correctly, if you create the folders  
> but not the files, then the folders will be registered but not the  
> files.
> Since port won't delete files not registered to it the files nor  
> the directory should be deleted.

No, MacPorts doesn't register directories to any port.

After the destroot phase, MacPorts goes through the destroot and  
deletes any empty directories (unless you list the directory in  
destroot.keepdirs, which causes a small empty file to be placed in  
the directory so that it's not empty and won't get cleaned up).

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