GnuCash packaging

Olaf Foellinger olaf at
Thu Jan 1 10:02:17 PST 2009

Hi Charles,

* Charles Day <cedayiv at> [01.01.09 12:30]wrote:

>    Olaf,
>    Before I joined the list, I saw an email from you in October
>    (see [1]
>    er/012020.html) about trying to package gnucash with "port mdmg". Were
>    you ever successful in working around the error? I ask because I now
>    have the same problem.
>    $ sudo port mdmg gnucash +no_x11
>    --->  Creating pkg for gnucash-2.2.8
>    Error: Target org.macports.pkg returned: shell command

no I wasn't successful yet. I'm eve not sure what wold be the content of
the mdmg file. I take your mail as a starter to update my port system to
1.7 and investigate this further. Currently 

$ sudo port upgrade outdated

is running which will take some time since there are some outdated
packages. Afterwards I'll try the packaging again.

Gruß Olaf

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